Sunday 18 May 2014

Revisiting a great piece of writing on addiction by Russell Brand...

Russell Brand: Philip Seymour Hoffman is another victim of extremely stupid drug laws   

The Guardian

In Hoffman's domestic or sex life there is no undiscovered riddle 
– the man was a drug addict and, thanks to our drug laws, 
his death inevitable. 

Hoffman brand article

.....But Philip Seymour Hoffman? A middle-aged man, a credible and decorated actor, the industrious and unglamorous artisan of Broadway and serious cinema? The disease of addiction recognises none of these distinctions. Whilst routinely described as tragic, Hoffman's death is insufficiently sad to be left un-supplemented in the mandatory posthumous scramble for salacious garnish; we will now be subjected to mourn-ography posing as analysis. I can assure you that there is no as yet undiscovered riddle in his domestic life or sex life, the man was a drug addict and his death inevitable.

....In spite of his life seeming superficially great, in spite of all the praise and accolades, in spite of all the loving friends and family, there is a predominant voice in the mind of an addict that supersedes all reason and that voice wants you dead. This voice is the unrelenting echo of an unfulfillable void.

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